As we entered into Cacalchen, Mexico, life was slowing down from the rapid pace back in Los Angeles. The trees were plenty and green, and the natives we shared life with in the next week were pure and innocent in heart. 

From the first full day, our team saw that the physical and emotional needs of the people were immense, but through that, God was able to reveal how His Spirit was working mightily in this place. After church on Sunday, we made a house visit to David’s house (David was one of the children from the local church Pastor Kyle serves at). As we walked into his home, I noticed that three family members were living in one room. When I say “one room”, I mean half of the size of my own master bedroom in the U.S. With low ceilings, our team stuffed ourselves into the room and we all started to sweat and slightly hyperventilate. I did not know what was happening, but Pastor Kyle started to share. He shared with David’s family that he finally had the funds the buy the land on which he would build them a home. Build a home? He then explained to us that when he first came to Sacalum, he was going to build his own house with the money he brought from the states. However, seeing the physical needs of his family around him, he promised 25 families that he would build homes for them. David’s family was one of the families he made that promise to. 6 years had passed since he made that promise, and Pastor Kyle had kept this promise to numerous families. Now it was David’s turn. 

Pastor Kyle had the money to buy the land on which David’s house would be built and money for building the home as well. The previous week Pastor Kyle had visited a plot of land for sale. The land was barren with no community around. He was about to purchase the land, but he then felt this was not the best for David’s family and God tugged at his heart to be patient. Then, He shared that with the funds our team had donated, he was able to buy another plot of land. We all got up with the family to go visit the land. As we arrived, Pastor Kyle shared how happy he was in listening to God to be patient because God gave them this land where fruit trees already existed and there was a community already living next to this plot of land. As we started praying, I felt so small compared to God’s plan. God can do all things. I felt humbled because God showed me again that His plan and His ways far outweigh ours. God did not have to show us where the funds went, but He is so gracious to allow us to partake in His kingdom and to witness how greatly the Spirit is moving in Mexico. 

As the week went on, our team visited another city called San Antonio to pass out backpacks for most of the day. Pastor Kyle explained earlier in the day that 6 years ago when he first came to this city, he passed out medicine to the community. None of the Mayans wanted it and the whole community shunned him. However, after six years of persistence and endurance, Pastor Kyle made numerous relationships with the Mayan community of San Antonio, to the point that they donated a plot of land to do anything with it. It was a big deal in this community, because those in the Mayan community (similar to Native Americans) cherish and protect their heritage and the land that they own because the descendants they have are few and the land they have is limited. Hearing that the Mayan community gave land to Pastor Kyle, and Pastor Kyle was starting to prepare to make a Wi-Fi café and recreational center with the land, I was blown away. God can break all barriers. God is the one to allow the Spirit to work in His people, and when we respond in obedience, He allows us to take part in His Kingdom work. It was not mere coincidence that I was reading James right before I went on this trip, and God continued to press on my heart James 1:19-27, James 2:14-26, and Luke 14:25-33.

A couple of verses are:

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

James 1:22